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The Principal Catalan Varieties: History, Cultivation and Wines
Josep M. Puiggròs, Xavier Fornos and Jordina Escala (Editors)
Agustí Villarroya, Montserrat Nadal, Josep M. Puiggròs, Lluís Giralt, Joan Rovira and Carme Domingo
Title: | Grapes. The Principal Catalan Varieties: History, Cultivation and Wines |
Authors: | Josep M. Puiggròs, Xavier Fornos and Jordina Escala (Editors) Agustí Villarroya, Montserrat Nadal, Josep M. Puiggròs, Lluís Giralt, Joan Rovira and Carme Domingo |
Publishet: | 2019 |
Product Dimensions: | 15 x 24 cm |
Bookbinding: | Softcover with flaps |
Pages: | 180 |
Edition: | 1a |
Subject: | Viticulture and oenology, illustrated manual |
ISBN: | 78-84-16445-45-5 |
Price: | 20 € |
© Texts, their respective autors © English translation, Douglas Suttle © Images, their respective authors or rights holders |
Grapes is a collaborative piece of work that has been put together by six specialists from different areas within the world of the vineyard and wine. Representing the sum of their knowledge, this manual deals with one of our most cherished and important Mediterranean crops. While there are other publications that deal with vines, wines and winemaking from a technical point of view, it is not often - as is the case with this book - that elements of history and culture are also included.
Despite the fact that the twelve varieties included in this manual also appear in other parts of the winemaking world, they remain our very own autochthonous, traditional Catalan varieties.
We hope that this book is useful for vine growers, producers, winemakers and, above all, all of those wine lovers who want to discover something new about the varieties and wines that make up such an important part of our country.
Agustí Villarroya Serafini
An Agricultural Engineer specialised in viticulture at the Escola d'Agricultura de Barcelona, Agustí Villarroya Serafini was the viticultural assessment manager for DARP (Generalitat de Catalunya) from 1982 to 2012. He was also an associate professor in viticulture at the Faculty of Enology at the URV in Tarragona from 1990 to 2012. He is now a technician for both DO Empordà and DO Terra Alta, and regularly collaborates with both VINSEUM and the ICEA on subjects such as the use of technology within viticulture and wine tourism.
Montserrat Nadal Roquet-Jalmar
A professor of viticulture in the Faculty of Enology at the URV in Tarragona, Montserrat Nadal Roquet-Jalmar also heads the viti-viniculture research group at the university. She is the Sommelier Professional course coordinator at FURV and is the Tarragona delegate for the Secció de Viticultura i Enologia at ICEA. She is also the panel president for the DO Tarragona wine tasting competition.
Josep M. Puiggròs i Jové
An Agricultural Engineer at the UPC, Josep M. Puiggròs i Jové is also qualified in History and Social Anthropology at the Universitat de Barcelona. He works as the coordinator at the Secció de Viticultura i Enologia at ICEA, as well as being a founding member of the organisation. He is the coordinator at GREVA, spokesman for Cep-Vi and is ex-director of the technical development department in Spain for an international chemical company.
empresa de productes agroquímics.
Lluís Giralt Vidal
An Agricultural Engineer and qualified Enologist, Lluís Giralt Vidal has worked as a technician for a phytosanitary distribution company in Penedès, as an ADV technician for COVIDES, and as a technician at the Servei de Sanitat Vegetal
- Vegetal Health Service - in Vilafranca del Penedès. He currently works as a Technical Investigator in the Department of Viticulture and Experimental Production at INCAVI.
Joan Maria Rovira Grau
An Agricultural Engineer in food industries for the UPC and a qualified enologist for the URV, from 1993 to 2000 Joan Maria Rovira Grau worked as a sales technician for a company that produced enological products. From 2000 he has been a technical collaborator in a number of different enological projects. In addition to this, he works as a wine taster on the DO Penedès and Cava tasting panels and is a member of the official Catalan wine tasting panel.
Carme Domingo Gustems
A qualified winemaker, Agricultural Engineer specialised in agri-food industries and food science and technology graduate, Carme Domingo Gustems is responsible for the assessment and viticultural development at INCAVI, where she leads a number of investigations. She is a member of a number of different DARP committees, along with groups of national experts at MAPAMA. From 1990 to 2000 she worked as a viticultural and enological technician.
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